“Strawberry Road”, the strawberry hunting areas 関東最大級のいちご狩りエリア「ストロベリーロード」

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"Strawberry Road", the strawberry hunting areas 関東最大級のいちご狩りエリア「ストロベリーロード」

In Sanmu City, Chiba prefecture, there is a place known as “Strawberry Road.” It is the largest strawberry picking area in the Kanto region, with 19 strawberry gardens and direct sales centers concentrated in a 5km stretch along National Route 126. You can also eat rare types of Chiba-grown strawberries, such as Chiba Berries and Crimson Misuzu. To eat your choice of strawberries, we recommend going in the morning! The full season is from January 5th until mid May.

■Local Topics Japan: http://lt-j.com
■JKN: http://kyokuana.net
■Reporter: Yuki Sawano