高円寺阿波踊り2018日本の祭り① Japanese festival. Awa Odori. Awa dance

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高円寺阿波踊り2018日本の祭り① Japanese festival. Awa Odori. Awa dance


“Awa-Odori”, the one of the most famous “Bon-Odori”, originated in Tokushima prefecture and has the 400-year history.
Tokyo’s Koenji Awaodori first began in 1957 as a festival to revitalize the small shopping streets throughout the town. Over the years the festival has grown and now over 10,000 dancers and over a 1,000,000 spectators come making it the festival that represents the charms of Tokyo’s summer. The Koenji Awaodori is held every year on the last weekend of August.
Additionally, the Awaodori teams within Koenji (members of the Koenji Awaodori Group) conduct media appearances, participate in a variety of events, foreign relations parties, and more keeping the joy of the Awaodori season year-round.