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Tataki of bonito (bonito Tataki) is a fish dish (skill of sashimi) using bonito. Cut the bonito into clauses, cover only the surface, then chill it and cut it, eat it with condiments and sauce, also called “Tosa build”.

Cut off the fresh bonito scales with scraping and leather. Quickly fly with cold so that the fire gently passes through only the surface, centering around the skin, and let it cool. Rice straw is often used for fuel from the season and scent (straw-baked bonito which is suitable for early summer is preferred and it naturally cools so as not to spoil the fragrance). Drain the moisture, cut into 1 cm thick with a sashimi kitchen knife, served in a large dish and plenty of condiments and sauce from the top. Tap it gently with your fingers and let it in the refrigerator for about an hour. (See “Tataki”)
The origin of the name “Tataki” is not certain about various opinions. “Tataki” which actually hits a savory taste and “Tataki” which does not do the act of “tapping” physically “tapping”, especially by tapping with a wooden stick hanging after baking, and so on.
Broil the raw fish paste with a little more coarse salt and cooked it with hot fire, cut it into sashimi and serve with sashimi, served with sashimi, sprinkled with condiments and sauce on the chopping board cut into sashimi and beat it with the palm of the kitchen knife to make it fit as it is There is a way to eat.
Bonito skins are smelling similar to smoked fish, with the effect of reducing the extra moisture of the body, improving the texture and increasing the taste.