4 Things To Do In Saga Prefecture! 佐賀県の4つの見所!

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4 Things To Do In Saga Prefecture! 佐賀県の4つの見所!

Planning your trip to Kyushu? Here are 4 ideas to keep in mind when considering Saga Prefecture!

In January Tatsu and I had the honor of shooting a web commercial for Saga Prefecture’s new Bilingual App [Dogan Shitato], and now that the video is finally finished, we can share the news! I decided to compile a list of my favorite things to do in Saga Prefecture, based on our two weeks of extensive shooting and travelling. I hope it helps you make plans for your Kyushu journey!

Our Official Video:
Findign Hidden Gems in SAGA,Japan [HD][English]

Findig Hidden Gems in SAGA,Japan [HD][English]

Check Out Tatsu’s YouTube Channel for more of his work:


Second Channel/セカンドチャンネル!

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☆ Music In Today’s Video ☆

Epidemic Sound

~Thank You For Watching ~