舞妓さんに会える!京都の新スポット「舞妓シアター」You can meet an apprentice geisha! “Maiko Theatre”

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舞妓さんに会える!京都の新スポット「舞妓シアター」You can meet an apprentice geisha! "Maiko Theatre"

“Maiko Theatre” is located 10 minutes by taxi from Kyoto Station. Here you can see apprentice geisha dance, as well as partake in green tea and Japanese sweets in a tea ceremony which they will perform. You can also take a commemorative photograph with an apprentice geisha. At night you can also enjoy Kyoto’s local beer and Japanese rice wine. Please make reservations by the previous day.

■Local Topics Japan: http://lt-j.com
■Kyokuana-net: http://kyokuana.net
■Reporter: Tomoka Sawa