[HD]夏の日光周辺の滝(湯滝、竜頭ノ滝、華厳ノ滝) Waterfall Tour of Nikko 花の名所案内

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[HD]夏の日光周辺の滝(湯滝、竜頭ノ滝、華厳ノ滝) Waterfall Tour of Nikko 花の名所案内

撮影:2013年8月9日 栃木県の標高約1200メートルに位置する、中善寺湖周辺には様々な滝があり、その中でも日本三大名瀑の一つになっている華厳の滝を代表に、奧日光には湯滝、竜頭ノ滝があります。どの滝にも気軽に車で行けて見ることができ、また季節ごとに様々な表情を見せてもくれます。

Waterfall Tour of Nikko

Nikko is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. Nikko is actually a general name of the eastern region in Tochigi prefecture, including Nikko city of Tochigi prefecture and Nikko National Park.
There are three waterfalls in Nikko, but Kegon waterfall is the most famous among these. The water falls from 97 meters high and you will enjoy natural beauty around the summer. Nachi waterfall in Wakayama prefecture, Fukuroda waterfall in Ibaragi prefecture and Kegon waterfall in Nikko are known as the finest three waterfalls of Japan. The name of the Kegon was derived from a part of Buddhist sutra.