硫黄山 屈斜路湖 北海道 Lake Kussharo, Mount Io Hokkaido JAPAN

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硫黄山 屈斜路湖 北海道 Lake Kussharo, Mount Io Hokkaido JAPAN

Mount Iō 硫黄山 is a volcano in the Akan Volcanic Complex of Hokkaidō, Japan. The mountain is located between the Lake Mashu and the Lake Kussharo. It sits within the borders of the town of Teshikaga. Lake Kussharo 屈斜路湖 is a caldera lake in Akan National Park 阿寒国立公園.
Mt. Io boasts over 1,500 large and small volcanic craters. While the composition of the discharge will differ depending on the fumarole, water vapor and volcanic gases (such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide) are constantly being emitted as white smoke.
The mountain was once mined for sulphur, hence its name. To the Ainu the mountain was known as Atosanupuri (naked mountain). The mountain is quite bare. Despite its bareness and being a rather low mountain at 508 metres it hosts alpine plant life, like colonies of Siberian Dwarf Pine.

All pictures, sound and music by: © shiso2012 思想会社 Shiso Productions